Today I weigh...
195 lbs!
I've lost 3 lbs since my last weigh in for a total of 26 lbs lost so far!
I'm so excited! I haven't been 195 lbs since this time LAST YEAR! I'm stoked! And I'm only 6 lbs away from being in the 180s! I haven't seen 180-something since HIGH SCHOOL!
Oh, and the best part....I'm over a quarter of the way through my original 91 lb goal! More than a quarter of the way there!!! That's crazy to me.
I'm so glad I started this blog and joined MyFitnessPal and started tracking all of this. Last time I was "on a kick" I didn't keep track very well. I knew I was losing weight, but I didn't realize how much work I'd actually done, and I think that contributed to me "falling off the wagon", but now that I can actually see what I'm doing and watch the tickers move and see the numbers go down, it really reminds me of how much I've accomplished and how much I still have left to accomplish and keeps me completely motivated to keep going.
By the way, for anyone reading who wants to lose weight or watch what they eat or just be healthier, I definitely recommend signing up for MyFitnessPal. Click here or use the MyFitnessPal link to the right of my blog. It really has a TON of tools and resources to keep you on track with your goals, plus there is an entire online community where you can go and ask questions and just get support. Plus, if you have a smart phone, you can download an app straight to your phone, so you're only a button away from entering your food or looking through the database to get nutritioal info on something. Definitely worth signing up.
Anyway, that's it for this week's weigh in. Next weigh in October 28th!
Awesome! Congrats on all the milestones!