You won't fail if you're not perfect. You'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day.

Monday, August 29, 2011

30DS: Day 1


Just did my very first workout of the 30 Day Shred and I did GREAT!  I loved it!  Definitely wasn't easy, but I didn't pass out or keel over dead, and I didn't even have to stop!  I'm so proud of myself!

Ok so let's start with the basics of the DVD.  Obviously hosted by Jillian Michaels and she has two lean, ripped chicks with her.  One going all out and the other doing "modified" versions.  I put modified in quotes because they're not really all that modified. LOL  Anyway, there is a short warm up, then there are three levels (1, 2, and 3) and each level goes through three circuits each.  A circuit consists of three minutes of strength training, two minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs.  Oh and NO rest.  LOL So you do the first circuit then move straight to the second, then to the third, then there's a short cool down.

All in all I think the DVD is great and so is Jillian at least in level one.  She was firm, but motivational and NOT a bitch by any means.  She wasn't a major hard ass, but she wasn't cutting any slack either.  At one point she has you go into jumping jacks then says, "If you're looking for a modified version of a jumping jack don't look at my girl so-and-so (the modified one...) because there is no modified version of jumping jack.  I've got 400lb people doing jumping jacks. YOU can do a jumping jack."  I actually thought it was pretty funny, but it did motivate me to push through ALL the jumping jacks.  Every single jumping jack in the workout.  Done.  In my Biggest Loser DVDs I had been doing modified jumping jacks at least half the time, but today I pushed through and I was actually surprised at how well I did.  Of course my legs were killing me and I had to close my eyes and picture myself lying on a beach for the last 5 seconds, but hey, I did it!

Anyway, back to Jillian, I actually really enjoyed her.  She clearly knows what she's doing and seems very trustworthy as a trainer.  Plus, she really explained all the moves and how to do them properly which has been one of the biggest challenges for me: getting the moves right. I never know if I'm doing it right, but she really went into how each move should be done and it helped a ton.  Not to mention the "moves" themselves weren't terribly sophisticated anyway.  She used a lot of basic moves that were "simple, yet effective", as she kept saying, and it was true because I could totally feel the burn LOL Especially in my arms.  Holy smokes!  This DVD has WAY more arms than my Biggest Loser ones.  I was only using 3lb weights and my arms are burning right now as I type this blog. Seriously.

As for me, I think I did great!  I did struggle a bit with bicycle crunches at the end and did end up yelling out "Holy shit!" when I had about six left LOL, but otherwise I did awesome.   The way the circuits work out was actually great because just about the time you're ready to give up on the move you're doing and you feel like that particular body part is about to fall off... BAM.  Time to move to the next step in the circuit, so it actually kept me going and kept me motivated because I could tell myself, "Only a few more seconds".

Anyway, I'm super proud of myself, I feel great, and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow!  She says by day 4 or 5 I'll be amazed at how much my endurance has improved.  Looking forward to it!

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