You won't fail if you're not perfect. You'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Theme Song

Around here "Despicable Me" is a favorite.  We call the theme song "Bad Bad Day".  That's why it's MY theme song this week....

Last two days have been a struggle for me.  Every "weekend" so far as been a struggle.  Our weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday, and I'm sure like many other dieters do, I have a hard time with the weekends.  We often have errands to run, go out with the kids, then the kids get hungry and what do we do?  Stop to grab a quick lunch.  My mistake today was waking up late and not having time for breakfast, so by the time it was time to eat I was STARVING, and whenever I allow myself to get too hungry the cravings come out and I suck at fighting them.  I cave in big time.  *smacks forehead* 

Then once I've "caved" once for the day, I feel like the whole damn day is shot, so why worry about what I eat the rest of the day and guess what?  I cheat again come dinner time.  Grrrr.

That's why "dieting" sucks.  There should be no such thing as "dieting".  It's really a lifestyle change.  I need to plan better and plan ahead, so days like this DON'T happen.  Like wake up early enough to pack a lunch for the kids (something we hardly ever do) so that if THEY get hungry it doesn't mean we all have to stop to grab something. They can just eat there lunch.  And I need to make sure I'm starting my day with breakfast and packing healthy snacks for myself if we're going out for the day, that way I don't get famished and want to stuff my face.

These are tough lessons to learn and tough changes to make, but tomorrow is a new day and a new chance for make to take some small steps towards my goal, so here's to a better day tomorrow!


"They second day of a diet is always easier than the first.  By the second day, you're off it." -Jackie Gleason

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