I felt great today. At first I was thinking that I'll have to stay on Level 2 a little longer than 10 days because some of the moves were pretty challenging, but it's amazing how quickly your body can adapt if you really push it. My squat looks awesome and my lunges are coming right along. Still need some work on "plank twists" (the killer ab move we do for the last minute straight), but that'll come in time. So will DOUBLE jump rope... Level 1 we did simulated jump rope for several 30 second time periods and that killed me at first. I was just getting used to it when I moved to Level 2. Now simulated jump rope is the modified move for double jump rope. You jump TWICE as high (which for me is literally as high as I can jump) and you do your wrist/arm thing twice during your high jump. I know the wrist/arm thing sounds kind of silly, but if you're doing it right, it really IS a killer and really does increase the cardio in the move like crazy. I've been doing as much of the double jump rope as I can and then resorting to single jump rope when I feel like I'm going to die LOL Anyway, I did pretty good with double jump rope today AND with oblique twists. I'll post of video of that below, but it's crazy hard and Jillian says during the move, "I want you literally gargling your heart by the time you're done with this cardio circuit." Yeah. Intense. Makes me feel like I'm going to barf when I'm done with it LOL
13 days down, 17 days to go! Almost two weeks in AND almost halfway through the entire 30 days! BAM!
(This is the closest I could find to the move in the video. Jillian calls it "oblique twists", and this is pretty much it, except she has us move our arms as well, not keep them still like that. Anyway, you get the point LOL)
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