You won't fail if you're not perfect. You'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

30DS: Day 15


I'm officially half way there!  Well, half way through The Shred at least.  This is just the beginning of course, but it's a milestone nonetheless.  This is the absolute longest I've ever consistently worked out in my entire life, aside from "gym class" of course, but I have to put that in quotes because I was a completely slacker in gym and rarely did what I was supposed to be doing, so that doesn't really count either LOL

Anyway, I'm ridiculously proud of myself and, aside from having a massive chest cold, I feel great!  Today was a bit of a struggle...some ups and some downs.  I'm still doing great with a lot of the leg strength exercises/moves, but I'm also still doing a few modified moves, like modified "plank jacks" (jumping jacks in a plank position...) and I'm still doing single jump rope about half the time I should be doing double jump rope, but considering that Day 1  I couldn't even get through half of the REGULAR jump rope without having to stop and finish by walking in place....yeah, I'm killing it. LOL

15 days down, 15 days to go!  Bring on the second half Jillian!

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday." -Unknown

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