You won't fail if you're not perfect. You'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30DS: Day 16 and Day 17

Although I did workout yesterday, I never managed to get on here and track it, so... Day 16 AND Day 17 are...


Yesterday was Day 16 and my fifth day on Level 2.  There are several moves that they show a modification for including a deep squat (modified to a higher squat verse being very low), deep lunge (modified to higher lunge verses sinking down low), plank jacks (modified by using only one leg at a time verses jumping out with both legs), plank jumps (modified by bringing one leg in at a time without jumping verses jumping both legs in simultaneously), and double jump rope (modified to single jump rope).  So until yesterday I had been doing a lot of the modifications.  My legs are strong so I've been able to do both squats and lunges VERY well, and nice and low, but all the jump moves...yeah.  They were all super hard for me so I modified the plank jumps, plank jacks, and double jump rope.

But yesterday was Josh's day off, so we worked out together again.  Now the "first time" I was exercising (some point last summer) I would have NEVER worked in front of my husband, let alone worked out WITH him, because he is so much stronger than I am and so much more fit and I was embarrassed, but this time around is different.  Doing this shred for the last two weeks and seeing how quickly my body can change and how strong I really am has given me a lot more confidence and even confidence enough to work out with Josh. 

The first time we worked out together last week was kind of tough on me because he could do a lot of the stuff "better" than I could (form wise etc.) and it made me feel badly that I wasn't there yet.  Not because of anything he said or did, but just because of my own insecurities and my own way of thinking. I didn't let it get me down and this week I changed my whole attitude towards it.  Instead of feeling bad about myself, I just pushed even harder.  I knew Josh was right there with me and not doing ANY modifications, so I went for it too.  I did everything.  All the moves.  The right way.  No modifications.  I did the plank jacks, the plank jumps, and even DOUBLE jump rope.  Now granted I had to pause a few times during the double jump rope, but it's still a HUGE improvement to go from modifying all those moves to actually DOING THEM in one day, and I would have never thought I could do it had I not had Josh right there next me.  He was super proud of me and I was super proud of myself. I felt great, and I even went for it again today.  It was a little harder today, but that's what happened in Level 1 too, so I know it will only get easier from here on out.  And then it'll be time for Level 3 LOL

Anyway, like I said, I'm super proud of myself and I can't believe how much my whole body is changing and how much difference exercise really makes.  When you're "dieting", yes, you'll lose weight, but with exercise you're really changing your WHOLE body and really getting fit and healthy and it makes you feel great!

17 days down, 13 days to go!  And I'm not stopping there!  Exercise is here to stay!

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